The functions of the civil engineer can be divided into three categories:
Before construction
1. Feasibility studies
2. Site investigations
3. Design
During construction
1. Representing Client
2. Working with Contractors
After construction
1. Operation
2. Maintenance
3. Research
My professional engineering services include:
~ Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) and Drainage
~ Erosion & Sediment Control (ESC) Plans and Construction Site Best Management Practices (BMPs)
~ Engineering Construction Documents (CDs) associated with the above.
Examples of other civil engineering work with which I can help you:
~ Culverts with Aquatic Passage
~ Streambank and Riparian Area Stabilization
~ Regenerative Watershed BMPs
~ Rewilding Corridors
~ Environmentally-Sensitive Gravel Roads
~ Timber Harvest
Thank you for your interest
Charlie Greene P.E.
Auburn, New York 13021
(315) 246-5727